Rohlfs-Hill and I are currently in an argument about circuses. Circii? Who knows. It all started when I said her coworker had a commanding voice and would make an ideal ringmaster. She gave me that dark look and said, He would be offended by that. He's an intellectual. I insisted that there were intellectual circuses out there. Or I insisted there should be. She gave me that teacherly headshake. No, teaching poodles to ride unicycles is anti-intellectual. Well what about contortionists? There's nothing intellectual about them?! No, but they are limber. What does that have to do with anything? Okay. What if the tightrope walkers recited The Waste Land. Would that be intellectual enough for you? And they were surrounded on all sides by water. Yeah. 'Fear death by water' ! What about that? But. They don't. Don't tell me there aren't intellectual circuses! What about DADA! Why would dada be a circus? Theatre, maybe. Cabaret, maybe. A circus? With dada elephants? Because DADA would reject anything so rehearsed or...sensical. Theatre bah! And Dada doesnt dance. They negate!
Are you still out there? If so, it'd be nice to hear from you.
oh! i cant believe you stumbled across this old thing. is there an email where i can reach you? or better yet, a phone number? i would love nothing more than to catch up. i think of you often! agm
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