Saturday, April 11, 2009


Found antique stereoscopes. $55 each. I am selling my clothes so that I can buy them.

Went to church with Annie for Easter. Despite my hangup on deities, I like the ritual of Episcopal churches. Swinging that lantern of incense all about. My eyes started watering uncontrollably. I'm sure everyone thought I was having a religious experience.

The bad news is that my friends accidentally stood me up at the theatre. The good news is I discovered how much I really enjoy going to the movies by myself.

I've been out walking. I don't do too much talking these days.

Recently visited my high school for the first time since graduation. It turns you can go home again. It's just that the new ghosts have rearranged everything in tiny, frustrating ways. The ceilings seemed lower, the walls closer, the familiar objects moved just an inch to the left or right of where my memory housed it. A maddeningly tidy sort of displacement. I who have had too many homes to return to. The whole visit made me feel strange and serious. Strangeness of people being not at all how you remember them. And then, exactly as you remember them. A best friend come back, dressed all in black and stern.

I get really ridiculous about seeing former teachers. I wish I had it in me to be one of them.

Sitting between two boys on the ride home, oh I have two boys to tell me just how sardonic I am.

Last night we played a hide-and-seek game of sardines at the Gorgas library. Clues include: "dark, crowded, humming," "two reds spell a square," "issuing forth," and "a room without light." Found Annie crouched beneath a basement staircase, Justin hidden behind two red chairs in a corner, Joe in a glass study room with the lights off. I was hiding in plain sight in the periodicals room, reading poetry.

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